Athletes are the core of any sport and as such are the most important element in it.
Athletes drive our sport, literally, with their legs. They support our sport on their backs and ultimately carry it in their arms.
The Athletes Commission looks after the interests of the athletes.
We would love to hear from you, as only you, can know how to make our sport better
The following You Tube links should help to improve your technique but they are worth watching simply for the sheer beauty they impart
If you are a beginner visit the indoor rowing page for more instruction on rowing ergometers
Everything you need to be able to row
Information for athletes
This information is provided for guidance purposes. Advice may be requested from your coach or club. Rowing adheres strictly to the principles of Drug Free Sport. If you are unsure of medication that you are taking, contact SAIDS (the South African Institute for Drug Free Sport on and they will gladly assist you. SAIDS is a member of WADA the World Anti Doping Agency. Pleading ignorance will not absolve you from your responsibility to adhere to the regulations.
In South African Rowing, the punishment for drug transgression can be a short term or a life time ban from the sport. The rules are simple:
Failed test = ban
Failing to be tested = ban
Prescription drug without TUE = ban
A TUE or Theraputic Use Exemption form must be obtained from SAIDS. It must be filled in by your doctor and returned both to SAIDS and to RowSA. You should also keep a copy and this should accompany you to any competition. Common ailments requiring a TUE are : Asthma, common cold, flu. The TUE should be lodged with SAIDS at the beginning of the season (not a day before your event)