An often overlooked aspect of the sport is the transport of equipment to and from regattas. Far too often this is left in the hands of a junior first year parent or worse a first year university student. A rowing trailer can comprise up to 20 boats with a value in excess of R5 million and weigh more than a family sedan. Its length (over 18 metres), height ( almost the same as a container lorry) and centrally located axle predispose it to trailer sway especially in high winds or if incorrectly loaded. The dangers of jack-knife or separation are real and very dangerous.
We offer courses to teach you how to safely tow a trailer, how to maneuver it and how to pack it
Isici ivame ukunganakwa lo mdlalo iyona zokuthutha imishini kanye kusuka regattas. Kukaningi kakhulu lokhu kushiywe kungabhalwe ezandleni junior lokuqala umzali ngonyaka noma, okubi nakakhulu umfundi wokuqala enyuvesi. A iphakethe lesethulo trailer lungaba izikebhe 20 kanye value okweqa R5 million futhi zibe nesisindo esingaphezu a sedan umndeni. ubude bayo (amamitha angaphezu kuka-18), ukuphakama (cishe kuyafana iloli esitsheni) kanye oluvala amasondo emaphakathi kubenza bavame ke siya kumahamba-nendlwana zintengantenga ikakhulukazi e imimoya high noma uma ngokungesikho ukulayishwa. Nezingozi jack-ummese noma ukuhlala ngokwahlukana ingokoqobo futhi kuyingozi kakhulu.
Sinikeza izifundo akufundise indlela zathi i-trailer ngokuphepha, ukushayela njani ziligcina
Towing Information:
Trailer Tots : Coaching Trailers
Age group syllabus for teaching the correct methods of loading trailers
More advanced information for tow vehicle operators