Sports Management
So, you have become a rowing coach or are a school MIC or run a sports club and now you have to take your athletes to an event. The event may be in the next village, ward, municipality, district, province, country or on the other side of the world. The principles for guiding the tour safely to the event and returning (hopefully victorious) are the same for any tour. The requirements just become more numerous with distance. Either way your athletes still have to be fed and housed and wear competition attire when they compete. The sports management courses will enable you to do this unobtrusively and if you get noticed for your efficiency you may be invited to attend an international event representing your country.
It all starts here.
Ngakho, ube umqeqeshi ukugwedla noma Uyi MIC esikoleni noma ugijime iqembu labasubathi futhi manje une ukuthatha abasubathi emcimbini. Lo mcimbi ube olandelayo emzaneni, amakomidi, umasipala, district, isifundazwe, izwe noma ngakolunye uhlangothi lomhlaba. Izimiso ngenjongo yokuqondisa tour ngokuphepha ukuze umcimbi abuyele (ngethemba enqobile) yilezi nganoma yisiphi tour efanayo. Izidingo nje sebebaningi kakhulu nge ibanga. Noma kunjalo Abagijimi yakho kusadingeka ukuba bondliwe futhi ukuvalelwa futhi bagqoke nokuncintisana nesambatho uma they ncintisana ngaphakathi. Izifundo ezokuphatha imidlalo kuyokwenza wenze lokhu unobtrusively futhi uma waphawula ukuze umsebenzi uhambe kahle wakho ningase bayamenywa ukuthi bathamele umcimbi international emelela ezweni lakho.
Konke kuqala lapha.
Tour information:
tour-check-list pps
tour-check-list pdf
Useful Apps that assist in travel, available on both Apple and Android
Flapp – an app for booking flights both local and international, car hire and hotel bookings, it also enables on the go check in and a host of useful information
Citymapper – a useful app for when you get to your destination, maximizing different modes of transport and combining them with seamless ease. Not all cities are covered but more are being added all the time
Touring teams need to be aware of social media. It can be both your friend and your enemy, as a friend it boosts your profile, as an enemy, a bad post can ruin your career. Use social media wisely and responsibly. Managers may find more assistance here :