The Coaching Commission takes care of our coaches. In conjunction with the Capacity Commission it arranges courses for training and generally keeps our coaches up to speed with cutting edge techniques to extract every millimetre of boat speed possible. Working on the simple principle of making the boat travel the furthest distance per stroke.
We have some phenomenal coaches in the province who have represented their country at the highest levels of rowing. They can’t wait to help you get there.
i Coaching Commission enakekela abaqeqeshi bethu. Ngokuhlanganyela Commission Umthamo Ilungiselela izifundo zokuqeqeshwa kanye ngokuvamile igcina abaqeqeshi bethu ngesivinini ne ukusika amasu ichopho kukhishwe zonke angu of isikebhe ijubane kungenzeka. Ukusebenza isimiso elula yokwenza esikebheni bahambe ibanga furthest unhlangothi ngasinye.
Sine ezinye abaqeqeshi lokukwazi esifundazweni abaye wayemelele ezweni lakubo ngesikhathi ezisezikhundleni eziphakeme kunazo zonke ekugwedleni. Abakwazi ukulinda ukukusiza uthole khona.
Coaching Registration Forms
Every coach in KZN needs to be registered with the Department of Sport and Recreation, please download the relevant form and submit to the secretary of KZNRA and the Coaching Commission